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pantang mundur bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "pantang mundur"
  • We cheer point Do not give up the fight
    Kita harus melawan dan pantang mundur.
  • The absolute command defence... does not allow retreat.
    Mutlak perintah pertahanan... yaitu gerakan pantang mundur.
  • "We have to move forward even when we fail.
    "Sekalipun gagal, tetap pantang mundur."
  • We have to move forward even when we fail.
    Sekalipun gagal, tetap pantang mundur.
  • Keep on, keep on, keep on.
    Pantang mundur, terus maju, Tetap semangat!
  • Since we're in this situation already, we just keep going forward!
    Sudah seperti ini, jadi kita hanya bisa terus maju pantang mundur.
  • We did not give in!
    Kita tak pantang mundur !
  • But he's soldiering through.
    Tapi dia pantang mundur.
  • Your brigade suffered many losses, but it was the only one that did not retreat.
    Divisi-mu kehilangan banyak orang, tapi kau satu-satunya yang pantang mundur.
  • Now, it took me every connection that I had to get that information, but now that I have it, I'm not going to let up.
    Aku perlu setiap koneksi untuk informasi tersebut, tapi karena sudah kudapatkan aku akan pantang mundur.
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